DNA Test

The life time screening for you and your loved ones
DNA test uses genomics technologies to detect known genetic mutations, as also known as genetic markers, in your DNA. These markers are associated with common and rare genetic illnesses or disorders. Genetic markers may also indicate the potential for you to have adverse reactions towards certain types of food and drugs. It can indicate predispositions towards certain illnesses. Many genetic diseases can be detected early, before even symptoms appear. Infectious diseases can also be detected using the genetic screening.
What will this analysis do for me?
Your practitioner will be able to design a specific nutritional program for you
It will enable specific preventative health strategies to be used for long term health
It will enable better weight management and understanding of your specific dietary needs
It will assess your genres involved in anti-oxidative defense
Inflammation has a key role in chronic diseases. Your inflammatory response will be evaluated to reduce your risk of various diseases
Find out how well your body detoxifies environmental toxins. Reduce your toxic burden
Understand your hormone metabolism pathway
Understand your stress responses. Learn to manage mental and environmental stress in your life. It will assess your genes involved in anti-ageing process
DNA Genomic Wellness Test includes:
Lipid Metabolism
Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes
Sodium Sensitivity
Omega 3 and Omega 6
Methylation, Folate and cofactors
Caffeine Metabolism
Coeliac Disease
Lactose Intolerance
Oxidative Stress
Phase 1 Detoxification
Phase 2 Detoxification
Weight Management
HPA axis and Stress Response
Sleep and Seasonal Variation
Physiogenomic Integration of Genetic and Functional Variability
For further information please contact SOL Integrative Wellness Centre at 03-4023 5689.