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1. What is Salt Therapy?


Simply, Salt Therapy is breathing in salty air for therapeutic reasons. It is a common, natural treatment in eastern and central Europe but almost unknown elsewhere. It is based on the principle that exposure to the microclimate inside a natural salt mine/cave can play an important role in the relief of many health problems; especially for patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and other respiratory and skin conditions. Salt therapy delivered at therapeutic spas built inside salt mines / caves is known as Speleotherapy.


At The Salt Cave, salt therapy is delivered in a special room, where the microclimate of a natural salt mine / cave is replicated using a patented, state-of-the-art medical device called Breeze Tronic Pro.


2. How does Salt Therapy work?


Salt therapy uses Breeze Tronic Pro to reproduce and monitor the therapeutic microclimate of natural salt caves/ mines. The air coming from the medical device is sterile, negatively ionised and saturated with a low concentration of highly dispersed, curative dry saline (salt). Patients relax in a pleasant artificial Salt Cave, with salt on the floor and walls; breathe in the regulated salt, which is immediately transported to every part of the respiratory tract; even the smallest bronchioles and alveoli. Once in place, it dissolves and attracts the small, positively charged impurities, which can be either coughed up by the patient, or, which leave the body during metabolic processes via the bloodstream.


The treatment eliminates the root of all inflammatory respiratory illnesses (lower or upper tract, asthmabronchitis as well as allergies and catarrh) by destroying bacteria and restoring health.


3. Which symptoms can be treated by Salt Therapy?

  • Chronic bronchitis

  • Asthma

  • Hay fever

  • Ear infection

  • Breathlessness, chest tightness

  • Pneumonia (post acute stage)

  • Bronchiectatic disease

  • Smoker’s cough (including secondary smoke)

  • Cough with viscous sputum discharging with difficulties

  • Dry, paroxysmal cough with distant rates

  • Dry rales (mostly with low tone) changing its localization during auscultation

  • Frequent acute disorders of respiratory tract

  • Pharyngitis

  • Multi-chemical sensitivity syndrome

  • Sinusitis/sinus inflammation

  • Respiratory infections

  • Respiratory allergies to industrial and household pollutants

  • Rhinitis

  • Tonsillitis

  • Eczema

  • Psoriasis


4. What results can patients expect?


After receiving treatments, patients' breathing became easier, lung function and symptoms such as sneezing, coughing and shortness of breath improved, while prescription drug use decreased significantly.


5. How Are Health Improvements Noticeable?


As a result of Salt Therapy, the condition of compromised bronchi is restored, breathing became easier and quality in function of breathing improves. This facilitates the normalisation of other bodily systems. Due to a fortified immune system, days off sick will decrease and patients will become more resilient.

In cases of asthma and croup, the inflammation causing spasms of the bronchus will cease and the passage of air through the bronchial tubes will normalise, leading to the end of attacks.


6. What shall I wear during Salt Therapy?


For Salt Therapy you don't need to wear any special clothing unless you are coming for skin conditions, when we recommend you wear shorts and T-shirt, to expose as much of the affected area as possible. We provide hairnets and shoe covers to wear during the therapy. The temperature is a comfortable 22°C (room temperature).
We request that you do not to wear perfume or scented body lotion before or during the therapy, as many of our clients are allergic to them.


7. Why is relative humidity important in the Salt Cave?


The humidity in the room must be between 40-70%. If the air is too dry or too humid the efficacy of the therapy declines, as the tiny salt particles cannot get into the smallest parts of the lungs (alveoli). Breeze Tronic Pro continuously monitors the humidity in the salt rooms and, using its integral dehumidifier, the humidity is constantly kept in the ideal range.


8. Is Salt Therapy suitable for children and babies?


Yes. Salt Therapy is a 100% drug free treatment with no artificial elements. The treatment is suitable for children from the age of 6 months onwards. Children respond to the therapy very quickly and effectively.



9. Why do children suffer more often from respiratory illnesses?


Primarily, the body's natural defence mechanism for the respiratory system is not fully developed until the age 9. Before this time, larger particles of pollution can reach their lungs, as the cilia cannot filter them out.

Also, children are smaller; therefore the air they breathe is closer to the ground and more polluted (this is why buggies are designed to be higher than they were 20 years ago).

Additionally, children breathe more quickly than adults.


10. Why do you have salt lining the walls and on the floor in the room?


The 2 tonnes of salt on the walls and the floor is applied not only to be aesthetically pleasing but also to keep the room sterile.


11. Why is it so relaxing in the salt rooms?


Salt is negatively charged and has the natural ability to attract and bind positively charged particles to it. The neutralising forces of salt can cancel out positive charged and harmful electromagnetic vibrations in our environment (electro-smog), as well as in our body.


12. Is Salt Therapy safe for me during pregnancy?

Salt therapy is great for pregnant women, because it is 100% drug-free, boosts the immune system, and also the negative ions help relax the nervous system - which is beneficial to both mother and baby. However, salt therapy is not recommended if there are complications during the pregnancy. If you are concerned, please consult with your medical practitioner.


13. I thought salt was not good for us. Why is it good in the lungs?


Eating too much table salt is linked to high blood pressure due to the anti caking agent (E535 and E536) content, which can increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. However with Salt Therapy you will breathe the diffused dry saline into the respiratory system, it does not have anti caking agent in it and it does not even go to your stomach / hearth / kidneys. The concentration is 1-10 mg/m3 in The Salt Cave and a normal adult's daily recommended salt intake is 6g. In the lungs however it kills the bacteria, reduce the mucus and inflammation.


14. How sterile is the microclimate in The Salt Cave?


A stable, hypoallergenic, hypobacterial environment is maintained in the therapy room, where the microclimate is three times cleaner than in a sterile operating theatre. It is therefore highly unlikely that any infection could be passed on during a session. 

If somehow any bacteria entered the room during a session and was not killed by the 2 tonnes of salt on the walls and floor, it would be removed during the 15-minute ventilation time, which follows each Salt Therapy session and would exit the building via ducting.

Spectrum of Life Sdn Bhd 200201032829 (600494-V)

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