As a parent, you’re in the best position to spot the earliest warning signs of autism. You know your child better than anyone and observe behaviors and quirks that a pediatrician, in a quick fifteen-minute visit, might not have the chance to see.

As a parent, you’re in the best position to spot the earliest warning signs of autism. You know your child better than anyone and observe behaviors and quirks that a pediatrician, in a quick fifteen-minute visit, might not have the chance to see. Your child’s pediatrician can be a valuable partner, but don’t discount the importance of your own observations and experience. The key is to educate yourself so you know what’s normal and what’s not.

1. Avoids eye contact
Avoiding direct eye contact with others is one of the most common characteristics associated with individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Many non-spectrum folks have traditionally assumed it is a sign of social or personal indifference.
Not so, says a new study published this month in the journal Scientific Reports.
According to the study, looking someone in the eye can result in unpleasant overstimulation of the brain for people with autism.
Credit to: Rita Giordano, The Philadelphia Inquirer

2. Echoes words or phrases
Echolalia describes the precise repetition, or echoing, of words and sounds. Echolalia can be a symptom of various disorders including aphasia, dementia, traumatic brain injury, and schizophrenia, but it is most often associated with autism.
Echolalia is a unique form of speech, and if your child is autistic it may be one of the first ways in which your child uses speech to communicate. Thus, while it can be described as a symptom of autism, it can also be a great place for a parent or speech-language therapist to start working with your child. On the other hand, in some cases, echolalia really has no communicative meaning at all; it may simply be a self-calming tool that your child is using in the same way as he may use hand-flapping or rocking.
Credit to: Lisa Jo Rudy, consultant specializing in autism

3. Unaware of surrounding
Autism children don't recognize and respond to faces as do normal children, and they thus do not learn that each face belongs to an individual separate person. To the children with severe autism, their own feelings and ideas are the only feelings and ideas that appear to exist.
Children with autism may have no reaction to another person's crying, for example. They may have no idea that their words and actions affect other people. Many children with autism are completely unaware of their surroundings and other people in their surroundings. It is impossible for some children with autism to take another person's perspective without deliberate training.
Credit to

4. Inappropriate attachments to objects (Spends long periods watching moving objects such as a ceiling fan, or focusing on one specific part of an object such as the wheels of a toy car)
As many as 70% of children will be so attached to a particular toy that they take it everywhere, however, for autistic children, the attachment can last late. The reasoning for attachment to objects remains unclear however, the general thinking is that these attachments offer comfort (especially as more textured items offer opportunities for stimming), and stability, helping to ground autists in a world (to their mind) spinning out of control.
Credit to: Aoife

5. Oversensitive or under sensitive to sound
One of the most commonly reported challenges for people with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) is hypersensitivity to sound. Some researchers view the strong avoidance reactions exhibited by some individuals with ASDs as emotional regulation, possibly as a result of learned behaviors that are either fear- or annoyance-based.
Credit to: Total Spectrum

6. Difficulty in interaction
People on the autism spectrum vary enormously from each other but they all have impaired social skills of one kind or another.
Those social skills include social interactions (such as sharing interests with other people), the use of non-verbal communication (such as making eye contact), and the development and maintenance of relationships (such as making friends).
Credit to: National Autistic Society

7. Brain Assessment - Most SAFEST Way to Identify the possiblity of AUTISM in Children
Your child is having signs and symptoms above? Worry about your child having Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD)? What can you do if your child is having ASD?
NO WORRY! SOL would like to introduce the most SAFEST device to identify mental health including AUTISM and ADHD - Brain Assessment. These 20 years brainwave-technology is RADIATION-FREE, NON-INVASIVE and PAINLESS. It has been widely used in countries such as United States, England, Singapore to improve brain functions and help special needs especially ADHD and Autism.
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