1. ADHD is not a real disorder
Some people think ADHD is not real. One of the factors is because there is no conclusive medical test can be used to diagnose ADHD unlike other medical cased. Other than that, there is no clear definition on ADHD symptom because it exists in a continuum of behavior. Symptoms of ADHD also may look like other conditions but people with ADHD have symptom that can affect their daily functioning. In fact, The American Psychiatric Society recognizes ADHD as a medical disorder in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

2. People who have ADHD are stupid or lazy
ADHD is a real disorder, people with ADHD is not lazy, unmotivated or irresponsible. People often mistaken them as being lazy. Usually, people with ADHD have problem with their executive function that harms goal-directed behaviour. Executive function involves processing of working memory, cognitive flexibility and inhibitory control. However, never belittle abilities of people with ADHD. If the activity match with their interest, they can be the best of themselves. There are a lot of people with ADHD who succeed in their area such as Michael Phelps-a swimmer and Cameron Herold- a TED Speaker.

3. He’s too young!
According to guidelines by American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), children as young as 4 years old can be diagnosed with ADHD. But, most of the children aren’t checked with ADHD until they enroll into school. Children at age 4 normally do not show symptoms that could interfere with their daily functioning. Hence, it is quite hard to determine whether it is ADHD symptom or normal behavior. However, it can start to interfere children’s daily functioning, self-esteem and cognitive development when they go to school.

4. ADHD is caused by poor parental discipline
ADHD disorder is never a result of poor parental discipline. Never blame the parents without knowing the real issues. Children with ADHD tend to have short attention span, restlessness, cannot sit properly in the class, running, jumping from one place to another, but it is not because lack of discipline from parents. It all because of the brain itself. People with ADHD cannot control their impulses. Having a strict discipline will worsen their symptoms.

5. ADHD affects only boys
Another myth of ADHD. Girls are just likely to have ADHD as boys. Girls are more likely to be overlooked and undiagnosed. Girls show fewer behavioral problems rather than boys. They normally have less difficulty with hyperactivity and impulse control. Usually, girls tend to be daydreamy, hypersensitive or overly emotional.

6. Only children can have ADHD
Incorrect. People of all ages can have ADHD. Many people were not diagnosed until they reached adulthood. This may lead to a lot of problems because they may not struggle during childhood, but the challenges could be different during teen or adult. Adult with ADHD may have problem at workplace, in relationship and they may also have problems related with anxiety, depression and substance misuse.

7. Children with ADHD eventually outgrow their condition
No, it is not. If you have ADHD as a child, you will still have ADHD even when you grow up. However, a proper treatment can be done to manage and reduce the symptoms. Adult with ADHD is more vulnerable to have depression, anxiety and substance abuse. They also have higher tendency having problem at work, financial issues and relationship problems.
If you are finding solution for ADHD treatment, you should NOT WORRY anymore. Here in SOL, we can help you. NEUROFEEDBACK had been widely used to treat ADHD. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) approved Neurofeedback as a Level 1-Best Support Intervention option to treat ADHD. Neurofeedback combines concept of brain computer interface, neuroplasticity and operant conditioning. It is PAINLESS, NON-INVASIVE, RADIATION-FREE and NO SIDE EFFECTS. Early intervention can help people with ADHD to be better. Why need to wait? Call us at +60340226689 if you need any help.
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By: Ms. Nurfarahin- SOL Neurofeedback Trainer