Salt Cave

Our environment now is filled with pollutions and without we knowing, we breather them in. Slowly this harms lung tissues directly and bypasses or weakens important defenses. It can worsen lung diseases like asthma, bronchitis and emphysema. It can even kill, EVENTUALLY! All these different pollutants can hurt our bodies in different ways. There are some dangerous effects from the most common air pollutants.
What is Salt Cave therapy & How it helps?
The Salt Cave is a one-of-a-kind place designed to promote and support relaxation and general wellness. The walls and floor are constructed by hand using more than 6 tons of crystal salt and the air in the cave is treated by a specialized halo generator, which infuses the air with dry aerosol containing tiny particles of pharmaceutical grade salt. Clinical studies have shown that when people inhale this type of salt air, it can help to stimulate the natural ability of their respiratory system to reduce inflammation, fight infection, clear blockages and reduce discomfort.
The therapy is suitable for everyone, even for babies and pregnant women.
Salt Cave Therapy Benefits:
Breathe easier after the first session
Alleviate sneezing, coughing and shortness of breath
Remove airborne pollen particles from airways
Strengthen your immune system
Improve dermatological disorders such as dermatitis
Cleanse the respiratory system and speed up the elimination of toxins
Clear mucus plugs and sticky phlegm from the lungs
Clear up catarrh and congestion of the sinuses
Restore your energy levels
Reduce the need to use inhalers and antibiotics
Reduce the number of hospital admissions
It can help people with different respiratory and skin conditions such as :
Hay fever
Colds and Influenza
Ear Infection
Sinusitis Cystic Fibrosis
Chest Infection
Respiratory Allergies
Watch the video below to see how Salt Cave works: