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Regulation Thermography


Thermography is a non-invasive patient assessment/examination tool that identifies a wide range of physiological dysfunction by analyzing skin temperature changes over time. As an adjunct technology to anatomical imaging devices, it can dramatically improve the accuracy of routine testing for a wide range of impaired health conditions. It has the capability to show physiological (functional) abnormalities and can graphically display and record the patients ‘subjective’ feeling of pain and signs of disease. 


MRI, CT scans and mammograms are imaging tests that look to detect a growth or lesion in the anatomy, while thermography is a physiological test that looks at the body as a dynamic system that is constantly changing, therefore it is able to evaluate the function of an organ, not simply providing an image of the existing underlying anatomy. This system can detect cancerous tendencies before pathology is detected.  Therefore we can detect patterns of disease early and reverse them at an early stage before they become pathological. This is true preventative medicine.


How does Thermography work?


A special temperature sensor with infrared coupling is used to test 121 points all over the body. Then the body is exposed to a cool temperature for 10mins, which is considered a stress on the body. The 121 points are rechecked after this cool exposure. All the points should be able to regulate themselves, if they can regulate themselves then the tissues are healthy, if they are unable to regulate then we can pick up on patterns of organ and system disturbances that are typically patterns for disease processes.


Specific areas of physiological dysfunction that can be identified include:


  • Abnormalities of the female breast

  • Peripheral vascular disease

  • Musculoskeletal disorders

  • Extracranial cerebral and facial vascular disease

  • Abnormalities of the thyroid gland

  • Various neoplastic and inflammatory condition


Benefits of Thermography screening:


  • Early detection for cancer / tumour

  • Checks the body inflammation level

  • Identifies the root causes of a health condition

  • Monitors treatments and lifestyle changes for health care

  • High Accuracy

  • No Compression

  • Painless

  • Comfortable Screening Process

  • Radiation-free

  • No Side Effects

  • Time-Saving


Who are using Thermography? 


  • Individuals with chronic illnesses, like cancer, diabetes, and arthritis

  • Woman who wants a safe, accurate and comfortable way to know their breast health

  • Women with implants, fibrocystic, large or dense breasts

  • Women with breast cancer

  • Pregnant or nursing mothers

  • Men with prostate condition

  • Individuals who are currently undergoing health treatments and wish to monitor their progress

  • Men, women and children who want to know their general health


Click the video below to watch how Thermography works:

How accurate is Thermography? Can Thermography really detect cancer or hidden ailments?


Let's hear what Lydia, breast cancer survivor, said about this screening.


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Spectrum of Life Sdn Bhd 200201032829 (600494-V)

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